The internet is an item that many people take for granted. Especially me! I rely on the internet so much that I even make a living off of it. This means that I also rely on my laptop, and, without my laptop I am completely lost. I feel strongly that if I and many others are able to have a laptop many, many more people who, currently are not able to have one, should be able to benifit from technology. The One Laptop per Child project is not about giving people technology however. I use my laptop a lot not only for my work but also for my education.
If there is something I do not know, or need to revise yet do not have the sufficent resources I just turn on my laptop and go online and use Wikipedia or, if I have no connection, I open – dare i say it – MS Encarta. Now there are thousands of people who do not have this luctury. But, imagine if we could. The One Laptop per Child mission is to
“create educational opportunities for the world’s poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.”
Now I could ramble on about what you can do and about the amazing technology in the amazing laptops that this project has produced but, to be honest that is not what I am like. I give you my point of view and a little bit of info mixed in with it. This I have done, however I beg of you. Please support this project and learn more about it, and the way it can help by visiting Thank you for reading this Blog Action Day 2008.
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