Chrome grabbed 1.48% in less than 12 hours passing by Opera and Netscape. Last data shows that it is passing 1.5% at the moment and counting. Lots of users are curious and want to test it. It will be interesting to see how this browser will evolve.

Chrome grabbed 1.48% in less than 12 hours passing by Opera and Netscape. Last data shows that it is passing 1.5% at the moment and counting. Lots of users are curious and want to test it. It will be interesting to see how this browser will evolve.
The present situation is as follows
Google Chrome – 2.80827%
Many of the users are using chrome bcoz they want to test it that’s why the chrome grabs more attention …
This is madness. Chrome is all I hear this week.
I have read both good and bad reviews about Chrome on various news feeds and forums. I think many people will try it out at least to see what all the hype is about because so many people are talking about it. Google needs to stay on top and they have many young and talented people working for them. I myself plan on giving it a test spin; figure I don’t have anything to lose.
It’s definitely easier for Chrome to go further after all, it’s Google we’re talking about. There were mixed reviews on the browser. Obviously Chrome needs some further enhancements and development.
I’m not really too bothered about the new-released version. How they move on from now is the important question.
I feel that the brand name has proved it.
I agreed with adda4u, people started using chrome to test it, to know how it looks or for some reason. People started liking it because of its great features. I personally switched from Internet Explorer to Chrome. Within few years/months, I feel that google’s chrome may take over the two browsers i.e; Internet Explorer and Firefox.
well it is from google, the second most popular website on the internet, so most users who just open their browser see a link for chroma, and will download it. I believe that chroma and FF will really compete, or just become one browser. I expect chroma to get probably 40 % at its peak.