win 11 file explorer screenshot

Microsoft May Bring Ads to Windows 11 via File Explorer

The newest rumor around Microsoft is that they will try to push ads via the Windows 11 File Explorer, which is something that Windows users may find a bit odd, to say the least since it will definitely impact the user experience of long-time Windows fans and users.

This new feature is going to be included in the latest build and specifically for the Windows Insiders program. If you want to get the newest features in the operating system, you can join the Windows Insider program. The insider program allows you to test the newest builds before everyone else.

The ads will eventually appear in a separate bar, placed above any files so it does not interfere during navigation. Aside from displaying ads, the bar dedicated to the ads will have a “learn more” button which will serve as a call to action for interested users who would like to learn more about the product or service advertised.

One main is that this feature could allow Microsoft to promote their own products and displaying the ads will depend on what the user is searching in File Explorer.

While this feature still remains in the testing phase, we’re curious to wait and see if Microsoft could really push that feature and if they do that how much can this get in the way of user experience. It could however be something that could turn Windows users away from the operating system.

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